Monday, January 29, 2007

Keep it real

On my day off I sat in my sweat pants listening to the radio, which sat below a dvd player which was powered on but no disc inside was playing. Top the dvd player was the HDTV cable box telling me it was 8:43 and that the digital recorder was recording my favorite show, indicated by the red blinking light. On the wall is a 42" plazma TV with the picture in picture feature enabled featuring on the main picture smut on VH-1 and a college basketball game in the window. Which by the way has the ability to move around the screen to a convenient location and can be viewed in two sizes. All the while, I'm on my laptop computer surfing the internet, wireless via a verizon phone card with an antenna on it. My cell phone has the internet as well. I'm sending a text message to one person, and talking to another simultaneously.

Does this seem ridiculous? It seems so overkill to me.

The reason I even write this is because before I grabbed the remote I was sitting in a my chair writing on a scratch pad of paper with a ball point pen. I was writing a poem about a baby. Just the dim light from a corner lamp, a pen, and a pad of paper; and the innocence of a baby was enough to entertain me for an hour and a half.

Keep it real.


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