Monday, June 19, 2006

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel

Dear angel of mine,

You touched my soul with God-sent love
Wrapped in off-innocent white, and masked in divinity.

You brought light to my otherwise grayish days, and filled my void
with a smile and perfect eyes.

When I was lost alone and in need of direction,
your apparition guided my way.

You were my forever rock of beauty that never faded in strength.
Withstood the harshest storms and sheltered the delicacy of insecurity.

Dear angel of mine,
I prayed to you….
And I waited for you…
I believed in you…
And I lived through you…

Dear angel of mine,

I have loved and I have betrayed thee.
I have forgiven and I have hated thee.
I have mourned with, and I have played with you.
Prayed with you, and abandoned you.
I traveled the world with you, and came home to you.

I had everything with you. But never forever with you.

Beloved angel of mine,
whisper to me in the night and erase this pain of losing you.
Extinguish that which burns inside me, and clenches at my free will.
This soul ache has consumed me…
The burning passion once felt when coming inside you has subsided and just left cold.

Agony now cuts through me like a flesh eating sword as I toss in the night.
The double edge of love has again with a tingle taken my breath,
and with suffocation near, has taken my breath.

Again I have been left to the depths of night,
Clock watching-- stirred and chill shaken.

Waiting for my fallen angel.


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