Saturday, January 06, 2007

Autumn thinking

As I drove through the mountains of Kentucky along I-65, the late autumn breeze floated lifeless crimsons, burnt oranges, and dried yellow browns about in such a way that made the end of a season evidently clear. The limbs where the colors once lived seem desolate, withered, and cold without the warmth of their foliage blanket...

Trapped in thoughts of past and futures, my present is succumbed by love pains…

I am suddenly that maple tree, growing along side a cool mountain spring with my roots firmly planted between the rocks that once made life so difficult to begin, but since has protected me and has made me stronger…

But like I said, I am succumbed by love pains…

My foliage security is gone, as is the sun and its warmth, and all that I found comfort in for the past season.

This change is new. Colder… With whipping winds in my face, and a deliberate lack of nurture, this is no spring day. Winter’s reckless force has attacked my survival and has made her intention clear. She will inflict all that she can. Extremes not fathomed by simple changing seasons, rather survival of the fittest… Nature’s frame of mind

The challenge has been offered. The vision of many tomorrow’s left for the sun.


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