Sunday, November 27, 2005

Conscious War

Guilt is breathing down my neck
Heavily- and with a smokers rasp.
Pain is soon to follow smoke
As I am weak, too selfish for truth.

Justified actions bring no comfort
only makes life pause while karma unravels.

There's right and wrong-- good and bad
Somewhere in the middle is where I find refuge.
Despite my attempts at waging this war
It's beating me repeatedly and I am its source.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Love me Not

It is jealousy that often drives people to foolish actions, yet it is because we love that person that we are jealous in the first place.

Is love then a good thing?

--- Love has a positive vibe about it that influences us all to believe that it is good by nature; but we all know that it's a mother-fucker and it really isn't that nice sometimes.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Autumn at Highbanks Park

--I spent a day walking the trails of Highbanks Park in Columbus Ohio and took a few pictures. I am by no means a professional photographer but truely enjoyed the scenery so I decided to share them. The day was therapeutic in the sense that I was able to breathe the air and feel free from all stress. There's something about walkikng through a woods in autumn that is simply relaxing.

Thought for the day

I wonder what is ahead of me because I can't see behind me. Carpe diem. Right? Seize the day... But I feel like I am just waiting for something to happen. Honestly, I hate that feeling of helplessness. Just waiting for success and the hopeless feeling of waiting to find out if I am going to get that big job is starting to get the best of me. So I have decided that I need to write about it in order to release that unhealthy pressure building up in my mind....
I think I'm better now for the time being anyways.-- It's never as bad as it seems nor is it ever as good as it seems; the trick is to enjoy whatever it is for what it is and you will find happiness. Enjoy life for what it is and how it has come to you and you will have found success.

Friday, November 11, 2005

30,000 feet

Here I am again,
30,000 feet in the air, chewing bubble gum
but my ears are still doing that funny thing...

Flying is an escape for me.
I enjoy the take-off the most, and the air pockets
the sudden drop when you lose your stomach
and panic a little bit.
Yeah. I like that. I don't know why exactly...
Who else enjoys being surprised at 30,000 feet
with the antisipation that a wing from your survival bird
just broke off and it won't be long until you plummet to
a certain death of tragedy and of course media. They wouldn't miss
an event like that.

But it's just an air pocket
nothing to get excited about...
unless you like that kind of thing.