Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Just a thought

As I looked back at this collection of words I have assembled on an internet site I realized that it has been a very long time since I have last visited it with intent to write. I can always ask myself why and what but unless I am influenced I am without worthwhile words.
It's a lonely place to be stationed. For what seemed like an eternity I remained stagnant in my quest for the meaning of words again. It is refreshing to finally be uplifted into a motivated writing stance again.

I have shared the story with many about my high school english teacher who once told me, that the reason we are who we are is because of all the people who surround you as you make your way through life. Some will be more important than others and some you will not even remember. I am not sure again of the exact wording she used but the moral is the same. As I reflect on that truism I believe it more and more everyday.


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