Tuesday, March 29, 2005


I don't know why it has been so hard to get to the computer and write lately but for whatever reason, I've been straggling. Trying to find a job is a full time job. Maybe that is why I have not been writing much lately. In fact it is. After spending 3-4 hours straight on the internet lookng for jobs and related searches, the last thing I feel like doing is spending more time at the computer. But tonight for some reason I have found the motivation to get something out. I guess I realized that you got to stay positive and energized when searching for a job. I have been searching for a few months not and still have not found what I have been looking for. However the company I am working with now has been excellent. Lee Hecht Harrison is an awesome organization. They have been a tremendous help in my understanding the details of a job search.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Another book

Another book I read earlier this year was The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Album. If you haven't read this book and are looking for a great feel good book, this is the one. If you have ever known someone who passed away this is probably going to jerk some tears; It made me cry. It's on the top seller lists and is very popular for very good reason. It is an easy read and and one that you won't want to put down.