Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Not a Notre Dame story

The Notre Dame Football saga continues... The soap opera that has been the Charlie Weis experiment in South Bend now has rumor of Charlie's pretty boy QB along with female companion having involvement in a bar fight after Saturday's loss... Unfortunately I've been the victim of a sucker punch in a bar before so I feel for the situation Clausen found himself in. Equally as unfortunate is that a lead-in today if expected to be read needs to be about alcohol, fights, female companionship and so on. With all due respect to Jimmy Clausen, I hope your eye heals and you can play this Saturday. I'm sure you're a good guy and I wish you well but your actions have helped to write my lead in for the real QB everyone should be talking about. With the second saturday in December quickly arriving and as talk of the Heisman trophy lingers around the water cooler, the name of the quarterback people should be talking about is Tim Tebow.

We don't see Tim Tebow in a bar fight... Tim saves orphans from burning buildings, performs surgery on dying children in oppressed countries, speaks out for his faith, brings his head coach to tears with the thought of him playing his last game and oh yea, he's a pretty good football player too. Tebow has the chance to do something only one other collegiate football player has been able to accomplish in history. And as much as the people in Columbus, Ohio do not want a Florida Gator to equal the accomplishments of Archie Griffin; Tim Tebow deserves it. He exemplifies it on the field as much as he does off the field.

The NCAA mission statement includes core values which they hope to instill in athletes as they compete within the parameters of the organization. They use words like integrity, sportsmanship, the pursuit of excellence in both athletics and academics, enhancing the sense of community, and the top value listed on their website; to promote a collegiate model of athletics in which students participate as an avocation, balancing their academic, social, and athletic experiences.

Tim Tebow has done it the right way for four years at the University of Florida and has earned the right to be at the podium with his faith, his family, his academics, and his athletics the second Saturday in December. I hope college football gets this one right.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Rebirth comes in water and dry-land brings death... I learned that tonight.
I learned that no matter how much you believe or how much you don't, love is a mother fucker and she won't give up. She won't make it easy and she won't let you wait. She'll leave you in a minute and she'll stay for a lifetime. She'll fuck everything up and she'll make everything perfect. She's the end of means and the means to an end.
She's the end of a song and the beginning of a poem...
Love hurts and she stings.
Love rejuvinates tired souls.
I got love and I got pain. I got regret and I got despair. I got a second chance, and I got a mountain to climb. I got a crimson clovered girl trying to fall in love with me. She tries hard and she gives up. She stays for the party and she leaves before saying good bye.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

quote of the day

"Be passionate about it, or stop wasting everyone's time"


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Behind yellow eyes

Behind the yellow eyes of this man’s stare
rests an unconscious soul.


Of past lives he lived
uncovered somewhere in a vast ocean of green.
No star-blanket to keep him warm.
No clouds or moons or suns
to guide his voyage.
Only yellow eyes
With which to see the world.

Monday, February 12, 2007


When we struggle to find life cheering us on
With warm sunny beach days

Somewhere away from today’s stress
in a far off paradise from yesterday’s mistakes
I am content with your commitment to me

All my worries vanish with the last wave that crashed our feet
While only the cool night water keeps me alert

I am enchanted by the sand and how it forms around your figure
So too enchanted with hope by the moon,
and its reflections of the future from your eyes

It’s peace that I have always yearned for from you
Of mind, of soul, of a vision of me somehow spending the rest of my life growing old in your arms, rolling in the night sand while stars and moons meet the water.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Some random thoughts

Some thoughts…

We can have hope. Most people I think have something that they hope for… One of my favorite lines from any movie is from Shawshank Redemption… Andy said that “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things… I hope.”

Hope is an interesting predicament to get your self into. If you go around hoping things happen for you or to you, you may wait your whole life just hoping for that something special to occur.

I believe there is a certain romantic, intangible aspect of this approach to life that cannot be matched by the physical world of control. We simply just put the fate of our deepest feelings and desires into the hands of our spiritual guide and trust that the energies which govern us will not let us down.
Hope means believing that our life’s rewards and happiness will be managed by a higher being. All we are to do is believe. We are to trust in a more powerful being to bring us to light.

Monday, January 29, 2007

1 Time

Time stands still….
It rushes past in a new york minute on a subway late for work
It passes unnoticed in a library after hours in a study session
It waits on a bedroom wall tossing as you search for love.

Time doesn’t heal the broken soul,
“It just takes time” is crap.
It takes rebirth. Rejuvenation.
And while that may take time, its not the time that we yearn for.
It’s the comfort from a timeless hope we yearn for
that one day a dream like state of reality will reappear in the blue shade of love.

Keep it real

On my day off I sat in my sweat pants listening to the radio, which sat below a dvd player which was powered on but no disc inside was playing. Top the dvd player was the HDTV cable box telling me it was 8:43 and that the digital recorder was recording my favorite show, indicated by the red blinking light. On the wall is a 42" plazma TV with the picture in picture feature enabled featuring on the main picture smut on VH-1 and a college basketball game in the window. Which by the way has the ability to move around the screen to a convenient location and can be viewed in two sizes. All the while, I'm on my laptop computer surfing the internet, wireless via a verizon phone card with an antenna on it. My cell phone has the internet as well. I'm sending a text message to one person, and talking to another simultaneously.

Does this seem ridiculous? It seems so overkill to me.

The reason I even write this is because before I grabbed the remote I was sitting in a my chair writing on a scratch pad of paper with a ball point pen. I was writing a poem about a baby. Just the dim light from a corner lamp, a pen, and a pad of paper; and the innocence of a baby was enough to entertain me for an hour and a half.

Keep it real.