Wednesday, February 28, 2007

quote of the day

"Be passionate about it, or stop wasting everyone's time"


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Behind yellow eyes

Behind the yellow eyes of this man’s stare
rests an unconscious soul.


Of past lives he lived
uncovered somewhere in a vast ocean of green.
No star-blanket to keep him warm.
No clouds or moons or suns
to guide his voyage.
Only yellow eyes
With which to see the world.

Monday, February 12, 2007


When we struggle to find life cheering us on
With warm sunny beach days

Somewhere away from today’s stress
in a far off paradise from yesterday’s mistakes
I am content with your commitment to me

All my worries vanish with the last wave that crashed our feet
While only the cool night water keeps me alert

I am enchanted by the sand and how it forms around your figure
So too enchanted with hope by the moon,
and its reflections of the future from your eyes

It’s peace that I have always yearned for from you
Of mind, of soul, of a vision of me somehow spending the rest of my life growing old in your arms, rolling in the night sand while stars and moons meet the water.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Some random thoughts

Some thoughts…

We can have hope. Most people I think have something that they hope for… One of my favorite lines from any movie is from Shawshank Redemption… Andy said that “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things… I hope.”

Hope is an interesting predicament to get your self into. If you go around hoping things happen for you or to you, you may wait your whole life just hoping for that something special to occur.

I believe there is a certain romantic, intangible aspect of this approach to life that cannot be matched by the physical world of control. We simply just put the fate of our deepest feelings and desires into the hands of our spiritual guide and trust that the energies which govern us will not let us down.
Hope means believing that our life’s rewards and happiness will be managed by a higher being. All we are to do is believe. We are to trust in a more powerful being to bring us to light.