Sunday, October 29, 2006

Candle Lit Eyes

With candle lit eyes
You found me in pain
As if my guardian, you knew precisely
What to do, how to do it, when to do it.
How to comfort my weakened soul
How to delicately invite me into your world.
Away from the lonely shadow
That once sheltered a boy and his dream.

I succumbed to your revival of mind and of spirit
Offered to me in the midst of a song
Completed by clear shades of blue
Sang in unison by our hearts trapped
In the sanctity of raw love’s emotion.

With candle lit eyes
You entered my life’s bedroom
Only more familiar now, and with cognitive flame
Passion fueled from within
Your influence burns me to a fever
Unexplained by this connection
My body melts in your heat
Becomes only a wax drip world of spirals

Chill formed now are the once savored reflections.
Round and round your heat,
I’ve spun out of control.
Blanketed by memories
I stand alone
with powerless eyes
watching you