Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Late night write

Then there was the one who got away... Every guy knows who she is. That one girl who you never should have let get away, but you were yong and stupid and you did anyway. I remember her... You hope after her that you know better than to let "the one" get away again, because let's face it; how many chances are you going to get to find the right girl? My problem is that I'm afraid to fall in love. My heart says go for it but my mind is still trying to qualify the perfect match. When I'm not with her I think about her and when I am with her I am me... What else can I ask for? Why can't I just be content and not analyze the future... I don't know it.
--Just live for today and not worry about the past. I think I got that part down, but looking to the future and wanting it to be just right is where I have problems settling in and being comfortable. I'm tired and need sleep, maybe I'll pick up with this tomorrow......