Monday, February 28, 2005

Read A Book

I also read some books over the past few months and that is also a reason why I've been away for a while. Daniel Quinn wrote a novel called Ishmael which I really liked. I told a lot of my friends about it and after explaining it a couple times I realized that reading this novel was more than just reading a book. It was an experience. Quinn takes the reader's mind places that has it's own description. In my opinion one has to read the novel for themself in order to describe the experience of the book. It will be different for everyone but also the same. It was recommended to me by an artist friend of mine a few years ago and I finally got around to reading it recently. I actually received the book as a gift shortly after having it recommended to me but I was unable to read it for a while. That's a long story, but anyways, I'm using this blog as some free advertising for Daniel Quinn I guess. Lucky him.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Long Time Away

Its been a while I know and so much has happened since I've been here but why not just start back up like nothing happened. A big thank you to my college professor who reminded me that I am a writer and I needed that... Thanks Diane. I recently started teaching second and third grade emotionally disturbed students. Maybe thats why I have been not spending much time writing. Those kids can really take it out of me. I am sometimes more tired after a day of school than I have ever been after a football practice. Those kids have been shaping me into someone who I never would have been without them. My wonderful 11th grade english teacher told me "the reason we are who we are is because of the influences of the people around us." I have lived that statement since then. Most of my life I have been influenced by people taller than 4 foot, but recently I have become very aware of the lives of less fortunate children and I think that it is going to drive me to live a more fulfilling life. In just a short period of time I have become very attached to the kids that I teach. I hope that I can be an influence on the kids in class, the way that they are an influence on me. If they can look back years from now and remember me as a positive influence on their education then my time here has been a success.