Monday, November 15, 2004


this illness suffocates me.
your honesty is pollution drowning my mind.
your words of falsehoods
surround your tainted ora and dillutes pure emotion.

stagnant wind awaits the night
when darkness is power.
breathless promises made at dusk
brings forth my cancer.

the bleak night falls to disease
which engulfs the lasting breath.
predator of honesty
you prey on the weak.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

November Rain on the 9th

Have you ever said you were going to do something and never got around to doing it? If you are like me, you do it too often. So I decided to write it down tonight and publish it on this blog. My next venture is the real estate world. I've been talking about it the past few weeks and I have been doing some research and also went to a grantwriting conference this past monday to try to do as much research as possible. So here I am, motivating myself with a blog. I think that I don't know exactly what I want to do with football, but I know that I want to make money and I think that working in the real estate business would be something that I would enjoy. I think its something that I always wanted to do when I was a kid. I remember driving to high school and thinking about how I would build my own sub division where there was just some corn fields. Here I am still talking about it and in the mean time some one else had the same idea and developed the whole area. I would have done it so much cooler, but I give the guy credit, I imagine his entire family will eventually retire with a pile of money because of it. I can do that. I can motivate myself to stay focused and pursue this goal. I need knowledge though, I need to learn about it so I am going to do it. I'm meeting with Bob Verhoff, the guy who gave me my first full time job. (Laborer for his construction company when I was sixteen) He has done well in the business and has offered to help me. This guy is "a fine American" as my old man would say. I learned a good trade working for Bob. I hope that it will pay off again.
I think devising a marketing plan would be fun for But it's free for everyone so I doubt that we'll evr see a comercial for it at half time of a Super Bowl, but anyways it was just a thought. Actually I should write some comercial ideas on this blog too. I don't know, this has turned into a journal entry but I intended it not to be. I guess that is what being a writer is about. A creative writer anyhow. Sometimes you just start writing what your thinking and have to give in to it. You have to let it out.
The metaphor of the act of writing having power over a writer is interesting somehow to me that it refers to the power of a mind. That the brain is so many things and we really don't know that much about it. We as a techno logical advanced society know a great deal medically, but the brain is so powerful that we can never really know what is in another person's brain because the capacity is so much. No scientist or psychiatrist will ever no what a brain may have been thinking before it passed...